"I am fairly new to this practice. I don’t think I have had the pleasure of meeting you personally yet. I recently completed the yoga for anyBODY workshop with Maria. I wanted to take a minute to let you know what you probably already know, Maria is an amazing instructor! The energy and positivity she brings to the room really makes practicing awesome. Elise assisted her, who is another joyful, energy giving soul. I have been attending other classes as well and must say that hour I spend on the mat (even in poses I struggle with!) I leave all the negative going on in my life at the door and really get in touch with my inner being. I leave feeling refreshed. That is exactly why I joined. I have a ton of things going on in my personal life right now and needed to do something close to home with a convenient schedule that would ease all the troubles on my mind and that is exactly what this practice is doing. I never thought I would shed 8 pounds and break my plateau in just a month, I guess that is just an added bonus! I love the physical challenge as much as the mind cleanse. I plan on signing up for the 40-day challenge in April and look forward to it. Thank you for bringing such a cool place to the neighborhood! I wish I would have joined much sooner!" - Kerri
"5 boro yoga studio has been such a gift for me as well as the community. There is so much unity in consciousness, bringing us all forward to be the best self we were meant to be. I have witnessed and have had my own manifestations come to fruition in the space of the studio. The practice offers physical spiritual and emotional wellness. I am so grateful for the effort Karen puts in to her community and over seas.. She epitomizes limitless possibility. So much is spread in that sacred space" - Renee
"5 boro yoga studio has been such a gift for me as well as the community. There is so much unity in consciousness, bringing us all forward to be the best self we were meant to be. I have witnessed and have had my own manifestations come to fruition in the space of the studio. The practice offers physical spiritual and emotional wellness. I am so grateful for the effort Karen puts in to her community and over seas.. She epitomizes limitless possibility. So much is spread in that sacred space" - Renee
"...yesterdays 9:15 class was AMAZING. I really was so nervous before the class but those feelings quickly disappeared within the first 5 minutes. I'll deff be back!! Thanks again"
- Nicole
"This program came into my life when I needed it the most. I have suffered from anxiety and depression all throughout my life. Last year, my anxiety and depression came back and my body, my relationships, and my needs were suffering. I felt that I lost who I was as I was putting everyone else's needs above my own. I was caring for everyone but myself and I was unhappy. I felt worthless and insecure. I was emotionally eating when things were stressful or upsetting. I needed a challenge, a program that would help me confront the reasons as to why I was struggling in my life. In return, this program has taught me so much with the tools it has provided to assist me in decreasing my stress and anxiety and just learning to accept what is. It has been a month since the program ended and I am using these tools to really take a look deep inside myself and find my true happiness. I learn that there will be days that will be messy and stressful, but as long as I just breathe, remain present, and continue with my practice that I can overcome slight obstacles that can come into my life." -LM
"I want to acknowledge Maria for the incredible job she did teaching solo at Yoga for EveryBODY last night (and also acknowledge her for the beautiful demonstration she did of her crow pose). Maria, of course what we say in 40 Day is confidential, so I didn't tell my mom about your fears around teaching, but trust me when I say she never would have believed me if I had told her! She thinks you're amazing and inspiring! Before the workshop, my mom wanted to get into yoga so badly but was convinced she was too old and out of shape and would look foolish in class. After just two weeks with Maria last night and Shelby last week, she already feels more confident and I even heard her talking to our neighbor about how excited she is to be pursuing something she's wanted to try for so long. I am feeling so grateful this morning to be part of the 5 Boro community that Karen started five years ago and even more grateful to be able to share it with people I love." - Cate
"Almost one year ago I walked into 5 Boro Power Yoga on a whim in the middle of March. Little did I know it would be the most life changing decision that I have ever made. Shortly after starting my new membership I wondered why so many people would not only PURPOSELY sign up, but PAY for 30 days in a row of hot power yoga... It was kicking my ass 2-3 days a week and I felt I couldn't really do anything that the people around me were doing. Fast forward a little less than a year: I will be participating in, teaching classes for, and assisting classes in my first March Madness! I am so grateful to be a member of a community and team which causes leaders and is just unconditionally supportive, no matter how it may look. Even though I still think to myself (all the time) "WTF am I actually capable of this?" I am so ready to practice next to, serve, and be up for the greatness of every single person in this amazing community." - Alexa
Karen I wanted to share a difficult thing that was happening yesterday and how the yoga practice saved me. Due to some recent flare ups and numbness the neurologist ordered an MRI of my brain, neck and spine. Total time in machine 2 hours 10 minutes. I took some meds to relax but they were not working. As they were putting me into machine I was crying and starting to freak out. The nurse suggested I concentrate on my breathing. Nice breathes in and out of my nose and to close my eyes and listen to my breath. Concentrate she told me on nothing but good thoughts and my breathing. I said I do this in yoga all the time. She said she did yoga as well and that the breathing could calm my racing heart. And Karen it worked. Taking my practice into the real world. Calming myself in a stressful situation. Holding still for 2 hours all done thanks to my yoga practice. I'm still waiting on results and praying for the best but I know I can conquer a 2 hour MRI. Thanks again for bringing me to this place of calmness amongst chaos. - M
"This program came into my life when I needed it the most. I have suffered from anxiety and depression all throughout my life. Last year, my anxiety and depression came back and my body, my relationships, and my needs were suffering. I felt that I lost who I was as I was putting everyone else's needs above my own. I was caring for everyone but myself and I was unhappy. I felt worthless and insecure. I was emotionally eating when things were stressful or upsetting. I needed a challenge, a program that would help me confront the reasons as to why I was struggling in my life. In return, this program has taught me so much with the tools it has provided to assist me in decreasing my stress and anxiety and just learning to accept what is. It has been a month since the program ended and I am using these tools to really take a look deep inside myself and find my true happiness. I learn that there will be days that will be messy and stressful, but as long as I just breathe, remain present, and continue with my practice that I can overcome slight obstacles that can come into my life." -LM
"I want to acknowledge Maria for the incredible job she did teaching solo at Yoga for EveryBODY last night (and also acknowledge her for the beautiful demonstration she did of her crow pose). Maria, of course what we say in 40 Day is confidential, so I didn't tell my mom about your fears around teaching, but trust me when I say she never would have believed me if I had told her! She thinks you're amazing and inspiring! Before the workshop, my mom wanted to get into yoga so badly but was convinced she was too old and out of shape and would look foolish in class. After just two weeks with Maria last night and Shelby last week, she already feels more confident and I even heard her talking to our neighbor about how excited she is to be pursuing something she's wanted to try for so long. I am feeling so grateful this morning to be part of the 5 Boro community that Karen started five years ago and even more grateful to be able to share it with people I love." - Cate
"Almost one year ago I walked into 5 Boro Power Yoga on a whim in the middle of March. Little did I know it would be the most life changing decision that I have ever made. Shortly after starting my new membership I wondered why so many people would not only PURPOSELY sign up, but PAY for 30 days in a row of hot power yoga... It was kicking my ass 2-3 days a week and I felt I couldn't really do anything that the people around me were doing. Fast forward a little less than a year: I will be participating in, teaching classes for, and assisting classes in my first March Madness! I am so grateful to be a member of a community and team which causes leaders and is just unconditionally supportive, no matter how it may look. Even though I still think to myself (all the time) "WTF am I actually capable of this?" I am so ready to practice next to, serve, and be up for the greatness of every single person in this amazing community." - Alexa
"This yoga studio totally changed how I look at my yoga practice. I encourage everyone to step out of their comfort zone and give it a try." - Catherine
_______________________________________"This yoga studio totally changed how I look at my yoga practice. I encourage everyone to step out of their comfort zone and give it a try." - Catherine
Karen I wanted to share a difficult thing that was happening yesterday and how the yoga practice saved me. Due to some recent flare ups and numbness the neurologist ordered an MRI of my brain, neck and spine. Total time in machine 2 hours 10 minutes. I took some meds to relax but they were not working. As they were putting me into machine I was crying and starting to freak out. The nurse suggested I concentrate on my breathing. Nice breathes in and out of my nose and to close my eyes and listen to my breath. Concentrate she told me on nothing but good thoughts and my breathing. I said I do this in yoga all the time. She said she did yoga as well and that the breathing could calm my racing heart. And Karen it worked. Taking my practice into the real world. Calming myself in a stressful situation. Holding still for 2 hours all done thanks to my yoga practice. I'm still waiting on results and praying for the best but I know I can conquer a 2 hour MRI. Thanks again for bringing me to this place of calmness amongst chaos. - M
"I wanted to let you know that 5 Boro got me through a very difficult time in my life. After working 12 hour days at a Public Relations agency in Chelsea I was laid off in early January. At first I was angry, then obsessed over what I could have done, then finally I became extremely depressed. However, going to your studio truly helped me and is still helping me get through this experience.
Specifically, I recall a session with Paulina: I came in for her normal 7:30 PM class to find that she was changing it to a "silent class." I was so mad, that I literally almost left. Not that her intentions were not good and pure, but because I had absolutely no stability in my life and the one thing I could count on was yoga class. I'll admit, I was still a little annoyed after and my neck hurt from looking up, but she said something at the end of class that resonated with me. I don't remember verbatim, but it was similar to this: 'Don't see all drastic change as something negative, see it as an opportunity for growth.'
This is something that I told myself over and over again, but to have someone else say it, and more importantly have to physically and emotionally put myself through that pain again was very healing (even though my neck still hurt :) )
I am starting a freelance job on Monday and have lots of opportunities on the horizon, but I thought you would appreciate this little story.
Your studio and the people in it do make a difference and I feel blessed to be a part of it." - Maggie
Specifically, I recall a session with Paulina: I came in for her normal 7:30 PM class to find that she was changing it to a "silent class." I was so mad, that I literally almost left. Not that her intentions were not good and pure, but because I had absolutely no stability in my life and the one thing I could count on was yoga class. I'll admit, I was still a little annoyed after and my neck hurt from looking up, but she said something at the end of class that resonated with me. I don't remember verbatim, but it was similar to this: 'Don't see all drastic change as something negative, see it as an opportunity for growth.'
This is something that I told myself over and over again, but to have someone else say it, and more importantly have to physically and emotionally put myself through that pain again was very healing (even though my neck still hurt :) )
I am starting a freelance job on Monday and have lots of opportunities on the horizon, but I thought you would appreciate this little story.
Your studio and the people in it do make a difference and I feel blessed to be a part of it." - Maggie
"It is not only an honor to know you, Paulina and Larissa, but the entire community at 5BPY. Being a part of this community has added tremendous dimensions to my life that I never thought possible. So much has changed in my life by just showing up to practice with you and this family that you have created.
Although I've ventured far outside my comfort zone during my journey to health, the changes were very gradual, and there was still a lot that I avoided out of fear. I was so frustrated, knowing I was creating the impediments to my own success, yet also feeling powerless and fearful to create the changes that needed to happen. For so long, I was wasting my life by letting fear of failure rule me. Somehow, being on the mat, personal space invaded, doing all sorts of uncomfortable things, rushing from teaching to practice, even with the probability of being late-even though I am by nature compulsively on time, often in the front when I have no idea what to do, gives me the tools to face the fear and uncomfortably in my life-and to make necessary changes. It simply amazes me how quickly the changes occurred once I started showing up more often. You guys give real tough love. And I appreciate it more than you know.
I'm able to be more present for my family and friends, and not always be so self-focused. My husband, kids and extended family are really liking their yes saying mother.
One of the most sticking quotes from Baron Baptiste's book was "I first had to learn to show up and suck before I could show up and shine". Being a frustrated perfectionist, this speaks very deeply to me. Once I realized that things don't always have to be perfect, and they might even suck, and that's OK, it became a lot easier to say yes. I've learned so much about not needing to be perfect on that mat, the ultimate place of safety.
Putting myself out there to share my passion for Spinning, with the real possibility of failing to impact people, and make a fool of myself, really was keeping me from pursuing my dream of teaching. I've been certified to teach Spinning for two years, and never felt like I was ready to start. The strength to initially offer to help the owners at Get In Gear, to keep showing up to teach, and to say yes to additional subbing opportunities came from my yoga practice. Watching people benefit from my classes gives me such fulfillment, and new energy- and it radiates in every direction. Finally, I feel like I'm moving forward." - SARAH
Although I've ventured far outside my comfort zone during my journey to health, the changes were very gradual, and there was still a lot that I avoided out of fear. I was so frustrated, knowing I was creating the impediments to my own success, yet also feeling powerless and fearful to create the changes that needed to happen. For so long, I was wasting my life by letting fear of failure rule me. Somehow, being on the mat, personal space invaded, doing all sorts of uncomfortable things, rushing from teaching to practice, even with the probability of being late-even though I am by nature compulsively on time, often in the front when I have no idea what to do, gives me the tools to face the fear and uncomfortably in my life-and to make necessary changes. It simply amazes me how quickly the changes occurred once I started showing up more often. You guys give real tough love. And I appreciate it more than you know.
I'm able to be more present for my family and friends, and not always be so self-focused. My husband, kids and extended family are really liking their yes saying mother.
One of the most sticking quotes from Baron Baptiste's book was "I first had to learn to show up and suck before I could show up and shine". Being a frustrated perfectionist, this speaks very deeply to me. Once I realized that things don't always have to be perfect, and they might even suck, and that's OK, it became a lot easier to say yes. I've learned so much about not needing to be perfect on that mat, the ultimate place of safety.
Putting myself out there to share my passion for Spinning, with the real possibility of failing to impact people, and make a fool of myself, really was keeping me from pursuing my dream of teaching. I've been certified to teach Spinning for two years, and never felt like I was ready to start. The strength to initially offer to help the owners at Get In Gear, to keep showing up to teach, and to say yes to additional subbing opportunities came from my yoga practice. Watching people benefit from my classes gives me such fulfillment, and new energy- and it radiates in every direction. Finally, I feel like I'm moving forward." - SARAH
"Karen you are amazing and so inspiring. You practice what you preach making what you say carry that much more meaning! Thank you so much for all the incredible community work you do!"
- Amy
"....I just want you to know how much I enjoyed the 6 am class today. What a great new perspective on my practice. I have had some eating and appetite issues of late and for the first time in months I felt hungry. It felt really good to enjoy a breakfast. Thank you so much for getting up early to teach us."
- Kathy
"I thought I'd let you know what yoga is doing for me. I left work yesterday feeling tired and grumpy. Instead of building on my sour mood I started thinking about going to yoga after I got home. I noticed I was letting people ease in and take their time. I realized I was already feeling better just thinking about going to class because I was already feeling the calmness and sense of well being I knew I would get in class. So thank you for your teaching."
- Tim
Many people don't understand what Hypothyroidism can do to you, both physically and mentally. Not just weight gain, but fatigue, joint/muscle pain, depression, sterility and so much more. My joints hurt so bad that I had to stop exercising. My husband talked me into trying yoga and it turns out that it was the best thing I could have done for myself and my health.
I recently went to my Endocrinologist (which I have been doing every 6 months for 25 years)and for the first time in a very, very long time he was able to give me good news. It seems that all my blood levels (a complete blood count which includes TSH/T3 levels, Liver Fat, Liver Enzymes, Cholesterol, etc.)have dropped. I even lost 10 lbs since March (when I started at your school). He asked me what I have been doing differently since he last saw me that could have made such a change. Told him the only change I made in my life was Yoga. He advised me to stay with it. It was helping me in ways all other exercise and diets have not. I wish I could take a yoga class everyday but work and night school prevent me from that.
Thank you Karen, Paulina and everyone at 5 Boro Power Yoga. Your dedication to your students and your support has had a huge effect on me. I will always have Hypothyroidism and Anemia, but because of Yoga I know they won't have me." - Pam