"The 40 Day program was nothing short of a profound life changing experience. Through the program I've transformed into a totally different man than who I was 40+ days ago. I've learned how powerful it can be to open up to people and share your past experiences both good and bad. I've developed a love for myself, and a peace of mind with my body image. I was always made fun of through High School for being to skinny, and have carried around a complex with me for much of my adult life that if I don't have a certain muscle mass, I will be considered inferior and less of a man. I've finally put this negative belief to rest and have become completely comfortable in my own skin. I've learned to live according to my own heart, dreams, desires, and found my inner truth, and no longer seek to live a life that others think I should.
I've experienced breakthroughs on my mat and in my own life that I didn't think would ever be possible. I've developed a love for fresh foods and a healthy diet, and completely revamped my poor eating habits. Also I've grown to love the mediation and still commit to sitting twice daily.
Most of all, I've gained greater peace of mind, love for myself, and have been able to accept myself for what I am and for what I'm not, and be totally okay with my quirks, and my love and passion for yoga, personal growth, and contribution. This program has awoken the giant within, and I can't wait to see how my life will turn out in the days, weeks, months, and years to come.
I would 100% recommend this program who is willing to transform and DO THE WORK, for it is a miraculous program and you really do get out what you put in" - AK
I've experienced breakthroughs on my mat and in my own life that I didn't think would ever be possible. I've developed a love for fresh foods and a healthy diet, and completely revamped my poor eating habits. Also I've grown to love the mediation and still commit to sitting twice daily.
Most of all, I've gained greater peace of mind, love for myself, and have been able to accept myself for what I am and for what I'm not, and be totally okay with my quirks, and my love and passion for yoga, personal growth, and contribution. This program has awoken the giant within, and I can't wait to see how my life will turn out in the days, weeks, months, and years to come.
I would 100% recommend this program who is willing to transform and DO THE WORK, for it is a miraculous program and you really do get out what you put in" - AK
"Day 41 and beyond have been very different in a good way....starting writing a letter to a relative that I have to forgive to release pain in my heart. And, I also had to finally drop some frenemies I was selfishly hanging on to based on my own insecurities. I owe it to this program." - LS
"I am now meditating (even if it's just 2 minutes a day), journaling weekly and... no longer drink coffee!! I never thought I would give up my morning cup of joe habit but I did. Surprisingly I have more energy now without coffee then before. I am also listening to podcasts (Sivana) which is super helpful. This program really showed me how I have to drop a lot of things that have happened in my past and just live in the moment and make the conscious effort to continue grow and step outside my comfort zone. I realized I have a lot of fears and just like I manifested, to drop what other people's opinions are and listen to my inner voice." - MK
"The 40 day program at 5 Boro Power Yoga changed my life. Not only in the big obvious ways - such as my relationships, my career and my overall health - but in very small but glorious ways too. I am enjoying all my moments. I am present with my children. I am living my life as I want to live it. For these things I will be forever grateful." - SJC
"The 40 day program is for anyone that has been seeking answers. You will learn more about yourself and the way you respond to situations - whether based on past experiences or just patterns of that's always how it's been done. But if you are honest with yourself and are willing to do the work, the results you achieve and the experience that you take away will reshape you and your way of thinking in profound ways. Go ahead take the chance and meet your TRUTH head on - you will be glad you did." - DA
"The 40 day program was an inspiring, insightful and encouraging process that has truly empowered me to take control over certain aspects of my life, that I often felt powerless over. My initial motivation in attending the 5 Power Yoga Center and participating in the 40 day program was a result of being diagnosed with breast cancer last year. When faced with such a devastating diagnosis my options were to succumb to the fear and helplessness or to take control of my body and my life. Attending the 40 day program has empowered me to do this and has taught me to live in the present and to accept what is. Simple words to live by, but for many not an easy task. Through the program I became more conscious and aware of myself and as a result, I was able to identify other areas of my life where I was stuck and not growing. I can truly say that as a result of the 40 day program, I now take time to enjoy and embrace the simple things in life, as opposed to worrying about things that haven’t happened yet. For anyone suffering from stress, anxiety, depression or any type of medical illness, I highly recommend the 40 day program. Though I believe the medical profession has a place in addressing illness, I also feel that the individual has to make educated decisions as to how naturally and holistically take control of one’s body. Karen Torrone, the Director of 5 Boro Power Yoga, and Dawn Rizzo, co-facilitated the 40 day program and they are truly dedicated, sincere and compassionate about bringing out the best in others and they have both made a significant difference in my life." -MT
"Karen, Larissa & Dawn, There are no words to express how grateful I am to be a part of the 5 Boro Family. Each of you has played a significant role in my life. Over two years ago I took my first yoga class at the studio - I had no idea how that day would change my life. Each and every one of your classes has left a lasting impression on who I am today. This year I took part in the 40 day challenge. One of the last activities we took part in allowed me to face things I kept bottled up inside. I was able to break free and leave all that behind. There were things that I used to think about day in and day out that have yet to take over my mind since the 40 days. Today I am writing to tell you that my manifestation has officially come to be. I had set an intention from the beginning to allow change into my life - to allow self acceptance - to speak up for myself. It was extremely difficult but it helped me to get to where I want to be. I officially signed my offer letter today and it brought tears to my eyes because if it wasn't for the 40 day program, and you three amazing women, I would never asked my bosses to consider me for the position. In the next few weeks so much of my life is going to change, and I am ready! I want to thank you for all your inspiring words and for reminding me to keep integrity in everything I do." - KT
Thanks to 40 day, Shelby Caffrey, Marie Palacino and Karen Torrone, I finally was able to switch to vegan. I have tried different brands of store bought seitan but every one tasted like I was chewing on rubber. I am doing a four-week workout and nutrition plan designed for being under house arrest. Making your own seitan from scratch is well worth the time and effort. I can’t post the recipe because it’s copyrighted but there are many recipes out there on the Internet. I have saved them all (LOL), but never had the time until now. This is a harissa based vegan sausage over white rice and red cabbage.
I having been doing yoga once and sometimes twice a day as part of my workout routine. I am so thankful that I listened to my friend in July 2019 and attended Yoga on the Beach. You ladies are amazing and inspiring in every way! - TN
I having been doing yoga once and sometimes twice a day as part of my workout routine. I am so thankful that I listened to my friend in July 2019 and attended Yoga on the Beach. You ladies are amazing and inspiring in every way! - TN
"Thank YOU Karen. I've gotten something special everytime I've walked in, tuned in and now logged on to 5 Boro and the community you have created" - Suzanne
View More 40 Day Reviews
"It's funny the way this transformation took place for me. It definitely required me to make some drastic changes in my lifestyle, but the revolution itself did not take place in such a drastic way, or in a way that I could quite narrow down to one practice or one experience. But somehow over time, by living in a space of inquiry, support, and a desire to grow, I have found that I no longer feel like the same person I was at day one. Now everything feels possible, and instead of feeling overwhelmed by the thought of this infinite potential, I am instead overwhelmed with a feeling of trust that I will continue to make the choices that allow the right path for me to unfold before my eyes, and that no amount of fear will stop me from walking down those paths as they emerge." - LT
"I finally gave myself a chance to reflect on where I am in my life. The 40 day personal revolution has given the tools to stay in touch with my emotions, my decisions, my faith and the people I love. I have seen through this program that life in a constant learning adventure and I have learned so much about myself in these past 40 days. I look forward to day 41 and beyond. Thank you Baron Baptiste and thank you 5 Boro Power Yoga for offering this program." - JB
"Dear Karen and Larissa, Its been a Month since I completed my 40-day personal revolution program and it's amazing that I still feel just as motivated, lifted, determined, and energized as I did at our last group meeting. It has truly transformed my life. I no longer second guess myself nor do I hold what people think of me to be more important than what I think of myself! I now know that I am worthy to receive all that is good and to most importantly, accept love into my life! One manifestation has already started to happen! I am forever enlightened and grateful to both of you..Karen and Larissa...and my Extended family at five boro! As a result of my forty day journey, I also lost 29 pounds and am finally off of my blood Pressure medicine!!! For anyone that's thinking of taking this journey, its a must! The transformation both emotionally and physically is extremely powerful." - BB
"Thank you Karen and Larissa for your support throughout the program. It has changed my mindset from sad and angry to happy and hopeful. I have seen the transformation in what I had hoped the program would transform in my life and have discovered other areas that need to be addressed (so who knows maybe ill do it again soon!). It is truly been a revolution in my life." - CQ
" ...I have found a new family of like minded people who have an amazing outlook on life and what to manifest good. Personally I found the program brought about my fears and my hopes. It has helped me to overcome my fears and manifest those hopes that were only dreams. I am forever changed. I am happy and peaceful inside. This program has put me in a wonderful state where I know that anything i dare to dream really will come true. My thanks to all of you for making this such a grand experience." - MR
"A thought came to me today. It's been just about a year since I started my first 40 Day with you and it brings tears of joy to my eyes to think of how much I have accomplished in one year! And how much more I am capable of! Thank you for bringing the studio and the 40 Day Program to our community!" - DR
"Get ready to be part of something more powerful than you could imagine. You will come out on the other side truly knowing yourself and what you are capable of." - JM
"Before taking this program, I was on antidepressants and other medication for anxiety. I also smoked a pack a day and suffered from insomnia. Since the program’s completion, I have weaned myself off of the medications, quit smoking, and have developed a healthy sleeping pattern. I have also met amazing people who have become a valuable support system in my life. 40 Days to a Personal Revolution was one of the most amazing things I have ever done for myself. Thank you 5 Boro Power Yoga for helping me to transform my life" - AA
"The 40 day program has made my body stronger through yoga, my mind clearer through meditation, and my health improved through nutrition. It is a total mind body experience-An opportunity you do not want to miss. The meetings were a safe, non judgmental place to share feelings. I also met the kindest, courageous and inspirational people I would have never known if it were not for this program. You will laugh, you will cry, you will feel , you will heal. See for yourself and just DO IT!" - RG
"...I wanted to thank you so much for all you have done for me. This experience at the studio with everyone and all the positive energy has really turned my life around. I remember the person I was on the phone, speaking with you back in Dec and I feel like she is gone and replaced with a much lighter happier person. I am so glad that I got to know everyone in the 40 day and made these everlasting connections. You have no idea how much you, Paulina, and Larissa mean to me. I am so blessed to have you guys in my life and to call you friends. Thank you!!" - AV
"Having just completed the 40 Day Program, I encourage all those who need the proverbial wake--up call to register NOW! This program has helped me to see myself and those around me with different eyes. I have learned to accept others based on who they are and not who I think they should be but most important, I have learned to see myself for who I am and not for the person I have been led to believe I am. Drop the story and drop the lie... There is so much waiting for you on the other side!" - LS
"My 40-Day Personal Revolution experience showed me how my mind and body helped me to build strength, motivation and discipline one day at a time. Along with daily meditations, yoga practices and eating healthy, my life has been transformed and I am more in tune with my body now than I ever was. It's amazing how what we eat directly reflects the way we feel. If we are in balance and have inner peace and equanimity, it all comes together." - AP
"I joined the 40 Day Program with an intention to practice a lot of yoga and get into shape, but this program goes beyond the physical practice. Thanks to this program, I am learning to create a balance between mind, body, and soul. I have learned to let go of things that no longer serve me, and embrace new experiences and challenges. I have created a healthy lifestyle, which has led to weight loss and confidence. I've also formed meaningful relationships with the people in my group. I am a new person thanks to the 40 Day Program. I feel like I can do anything. The sky is the limit." - KP
"The 40 day program is a transformational opportunity that can bring only peace and positivity into your life. I urge you not to pass up this opportunity and to keep in mind that you will get out of the program exactly what you put into it. The program & leaders have given me the various tools I needed to let go of some negative thought processes and self-sabotaging tapes that have held me back. Letting that go has allowed me to step into a more powerful way of being. I feel stronger,brighter, & more at peace then I've ever felt in my life and now I am genuinely excited for the months to come and what life will bring with this new way of being. Love yourself. Love your practice. Infinite gratitude for Karen, Paulina, Larissa, and the 5 Boro community." - JP
"The 40 Day program was offered to me when I was in the midst of some life changes. I had started with Power Yoga about 3 months prior. I thought this would offer me a solid commitment to yoga. It did that and soooo much more. I learned to say "Yes" to many things in my life and drop ideas that kept me from going forward. The commitment to the 40 day program reinforced in me a clear, focused view of how to live. Even when the Hurricane hit, I held onto what I was immersed in because for the first time, I had made a commitment to myself. If you are hesitating ----"Just do it". You will be so glad you did! "- KB
"The 40 day program helped me discover the root issue(s) that have been holding me back in my life, and has helped me see that the possibilities lie within me and my relationship with myself." -EL
"I came into the 40 Day Program almost immediately after a trauma. It was a miracle for me to have a structured program to help me both cope with the immediate problem but also to uncover deeper emotional issues that were internally festering for years. Completing the program for me was not an "end" but a new beginning for growth." - DB
"I want to thank you and Paulina for a wonderful 40 day experience. I have learned so much during the 40 day revolution. I learned yoga movement and how to live in the present. I felt the calming affects of meditation and came to understand that the way we workout on our mats usually indicates our attitudes in life. What hit home for me was finding the "yes" in life and not to shy away from new experiences, but to say "yes" to them! I also learned how to find my inner voice. I really enjoyed the camaraderie of the group which really must be experienced to understand. Through this experience I have also recognized the support of my family. I thoroughly enjoyed the revolution and if I sign up again I look forward to having more discussions on the reading assignments so I can better understand other peoples views on the material. I would definitely recommend this 40 day revolution to everyone. The only reason you should do it is YOU. You don't have to have an outside reason or problem, It's about the journey and truly recognizing yourself." - AR
"I joined the 40 days to a Personal Revolution somewhat on a whim. I had been eying the advertisement for some time, until I decided rather last minute to register. 40 days later, I realized this was an epic decision. This program provided me with the opportunity to see myself, my relationships, my career, and my life in general with a new perspective. Sometimes, all a person needs is a break through to bring you to a new place. The 40 day program was the vehicle to my break through. There is no limit to what this program can unfold, so long as you are willing to be open and embrace what comes." - EL
“I am so grateful for this program. When I saw the advertisement for this program I was so excited to sign up. My excitement didn’t stop at any point throughout the program and hasn’t since its end. This program opened not only my eyes but my heart and my mind to possibilities and feelings that I never thought could exist for me. I thought that I was just stuck with the circumstances life provided me with but now I know that that is not true. This program has showed me so many new doors that I can’t wait to open.” - SO
"I had a very strong feeling that I should do this without being able to identify why. I can't express how grateful I am that I listened closely and followed the "teacher inside" me. The 40 day revolution was exactly what I needed and the exact right time." - MC
"The 40 day Revolution Program gave me exactly what I needed: the tools to discover an enlightened perspective on life! By focusing on many integrated areas in a systematic way, after just 40 days I have a stronger body, a more balanced diet, productive ways to cope with stress, and a deeper understanding of my views and goals for my life and family. Thank you 5boro!" - JD
"I joined the 40 Day Program to challenge myself to overcome my lack of follow through. I thought I would meet some new people, improve my yoga practice and gain a sense of accomplishment when I finished all forty days. The experience turned out to be SO much more. Through the journaling and mediation I was able to uncover self-sabotaging behaviors that I had been engaging in since childhood. I was able to free myself of the negative thoughts and ideas that have held me back for most of my adult life. The daily yoga practice built strength and confidence. The focus on whole natural foods helped me to see how my bad eating habits were sapping my energy and causing me to feel run down and lethargic. Since the end of the 40 Day Program, I feel as if I have “taken the lid off”. I have begun training for a 5K race, something I never would have done in the past, and I can’t wait to see what each day will bring." - LH
5 Boro Power Yoga
176 Rose Avenue, Staten Island, New York 718.667.5279
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