"I just want to be sure you know that this studio is really important to me and I've never felt anything but support from everyone involved which was really important to me over the past year or so because I had a rough year. Thank you."️ - Kaitlyn
"I am so happy. I never thought I would have an other yoga class with you it was in the impossible realm. With my move the NM and then back to Tunisia. Again long live science and technology!" - Mona
"Thank you Karen Torrone
for an incredible practice this morning! Pushing us to our edge while celebrating life exactly where we are. I’m really loving the zoom experience, connecting and seeing our community from around the globe! This practice open my mind to a new way of being and for that I am grateful. This practice has a way of completely shifting my perspective from going down a rabbit hole to living from a place of inspiration! Thank you " - Lauren, Toledo, OH via facebook
"Thank you Shelby Caffrey and Karen Torrone for a WONDERFUL restorative practice tonight. I could feel a layer of fear, worry and anxiety melt away as I listened to your voice Shelby. The feeling of connection and seeing everyone online was amazing. Can't wait for the next class." - Kathy
"Karen that was such a great class! I am grateful for YOU! I loved joining your Community and my husband loved that you called him out. We felt so connected and seen. Thank you." - Sara from Indiana
"Couldn't be happier to have this practice when I need it the most" - Jeanine via Instagram
"Tonight was amazing @5boropoweryoga community partook in a #virtual yoga class and I WAS SO INSPIRED at the end of class to begin my practice on #handstand. Thank you Karen for putting this together for us! "- Rosalba via Instagram
"Thank you Karen, I didn't understand people speaking to the impulse of crying during hip openers until today. I'm grateful to you and the team for this platform and outlet. See you soon " - Samantha
"It was sort of an omen that I purchased the year of yoga on Black Friday. I wasn’t sure if I would keep up yoga or not and was on the fence about it. This has been the best purchase I made in years. Being able to practice whenever I need during this pandemic has been awesome. Otherwise, I would probably be binge watching tv on the couch when not working remotely." - Teresa
I want to thank you for being a lifesaver for me during this time of quarantine. You have given me space to practice everyday, meditate and cook (something I normally don’t love to do). I am grateful for you and the community you have created. - Kerri
"Thank you for the great classes. I am feeling so much better since joining" - Brigid
"Thank you for creating the zoom platform for us. I told both my children to write down three things for which they are thankful starting today." - Kerri
"Omg class was bitter sweet...thank you for this!!!" - Christina
"Thank YOU @5boropoweryoga for allowing me to connect without physical connection" - Michelle via Instagram
"Just finished 8:45....it was GREAT! Thank you!" - Debbie via Instagram
"Thank you for the practice today Karen it was so lovely to hear your voice and work out the cricks" - Mariam via Instagram
"No words. Class was BEYOND! I especially love when we start with core. Your energy was awesome!" - Rosalba via Instagram
"I have to tell you that you and the studio have been so amazing this year. You have really helped me get through this pandemic. All of the teachers are wonderful and Lisa's ROGA class got me to running. I had to take some time off at the end of summer as I had to have my breast reconstruction surgery. After beating breast cancer, I find that yoga is a great workout physically, mentally and emotionally. When I saw the challenge, I saw it as my opportunity to get back on my mat. So thank you so much for being there. 5Boro Power Yoga is the best!"- MC
"I just wanted to reach out and thank you for putting together the virtual platform for classes. The connection to the community has been getting me through for sure. I also wanted to thank you for doing the free classes too. My sister is an ER nurse in Florida and plans on joining your class tomorrow. She's been dealing with so much stress, I know this will be great for her. I could probably go on and on... and on with nice things... so thank you from the bottom of my heart." - Jessica
"This online yoga is great! I was very comfortable..it's a great way to help the anxiety. Andrea is great!" - Teresa via instagram
"Karen, great class today! Thank you again for having your studio host these virtual classes. I don't think I would be able to make it through this without yoga and your community." - Michelle S.
"As much as I miss the studio, and the energy of everyone I have a confession this virtual yoga is fantastic. I have never done this much yoga in my life I feel like a new person. Thank you for offering!" - Christina
“The workshop was amazing. Karen is phenomenal and I learned so much from her. What a master & kind soul. She has a lot of wisdom and I really enjoyed her authenticity and ability to connect. Impressive how she did all that on zoom. She’s now another yoga hero of mine. 2 hours felt like 5 minutes.” - YTT Santa Barbara, CA
"Hi Karen. SO grateful for our yoga community and YOU. My first class this morning !!! I wanted to cry - i was overwhelmed w feelings. " - Marianne
"THANKS so much Karen--it's great to hear your voice and practice even if it's virtual! Thanks for thinking ahead and making this possible; need it in these scary times." - C
"Hi Karen. How are you? I just want to let you know how much I admire your resilience through this situation. You’re amazing and I think you’re providing the community with exactly what is needed: connection! See you in the virtual studio!" - Bianca
"Hi Karen, thank you for this experience! I’m sorry if I’m not so good at it, I’ll improve! " - Isabella from Mola di Bari, Italy
5 Boro Power Yoga
176 Rose Avenue, Staten Island, New York 718.667.5279
Website by KrissArt Marketing Design